
Color therapy and dopamine dressing has long been of interest, dating back to the ancient Egyptians. It’s been thought that warm colours increase power, cool hues enhance concentration and pale greens signal quietness. Color is closely associated with our emotions: it is the first thing we register when assessing…
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Colour, material and finish can be key differentiators in a crowded market, and understanding how to use them on an emotional and symbolic level can be important to create lasting and prosperous relationships with your customers.
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Brands are crafting extreme transparency through holistic and accurate labelling systems, able to trace the environmental and socio-ecological impact of products and services, and communicate it to consumers.
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In 2019 at WGSN we called out the importance of speculative design in our flagship Future Innovations 2022 report. Speculative design, which uses imagination and storytelling to build fictional scenarios that imagine what the future might look like, will increasingly help governments, brands and people to envision…
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Our Moscow Inspiration City Guide explores the hidden gems and homegrown creative scene of this enigmatic destination, where Moscovites have rediscovered the local.
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As extreme weather conditions from wildfires to flash floods increase around the world, it’s no surprise the threat posed by the climate crisis feels extremely personal for the youth of today. A joint study by the UN’s Development Programme and the University of Oxford published in January 2021 found that 69% of…
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Over the next 10 years, protection will be one of four major aspects of the future of our homes and the way we live. With security high on the agenda, our homes will be taking on a highly protective role and become a sanctuary.
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Color harmonies are essential to design. Creatives don’t tend to focus on one color, but rather a selection that go well together. Whether for apparel, beauty, tech or interiors, assembling color harmonies can be key to conveying the correct message and mood to your consumer.
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Indigo is said to be the oldest textile dye in the world, with a history that is believed to stem back as early as the Neolithic age.
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