WGSN is focused on supporting our community and having a positive impact on people, the planet, and the customers we serve.
Promoting equality
WGSN is passionate about promoting equality across our industries and beyond. Learn more about the work we are doing to drive diversity and inclusion here.

WGSN's Sustainability Board is a highly active, dedicated steering group of in-house, cross-industry, sustainability ambassadors. Through its research, reporting, recommendations and tools, it gives WGSN's customers the confidence to create better, improving their environmental contribution and shift to circular and regenerative design.

The Sustainability Board runs a range of initiatives to upskill our teams and our clients' teams; from educational networking events and workshops, to a comprehensive sustainability glossary to enhance the depth of our reporting, as well as cross-industry reports to inspire sector transformation. It is our goal to become the global go-to forecasting authority on sustainability strategy for the industries we serve.
Supporting our charity partners
WGSN is also a proud partner of LGBT+ charity Just Like Us. The charity is focused on supporting young LGBT+ people, ensuring that they hear powerful, positive messages about being LGBT+, from other LGBT+ young people. Our work with Just Like Us includes WGSN staff supporting its Ambassador programmes and sharing industry contacts to help the charity secure brand collaborations and reduce printing costs.

Operating responsibly
WGSN's suppliers, partners and other third parties involved in the provision of goods or services are important to us. They underpin our ability to serve our customers and while delivering our valued and trusted products it is important to us that we and our suppliers do business responsibly, ethically and lawfully.
Third party code of conduct
WGSN has implemented a Third Party Code of Conduct which outlines our ethical approach to doing business and explains the standards we strive to ensure that all our suppliers should abide by, and we also expect our suppliers’ suppliers to adhere to it.
The WGSN Code
The WGSN Code provides an overview of our key compliance commitments. It sets out our expectations in terms of ethical and lawful conduct for our people, and our external partners. It serves as an essential guide, setting out our standards and expectations as a business, and signposting the people who are available to help should questions arise.
Modern Slavery
You can view our full Modern Slavery Statement here.