WGSN Beauty trend forecasting helps you make informed and successful decisions around future products, with unrivalled consumer and lifestyle forecasts, and innovative product design direction.
We provide unique, in-depth coverage of consumer, lifestyle and product design trends, so you can lead the way in delivering ethical, equitable and more sustainable beauty products and experiences.
Beauty in action
WGSN offers trend forecasting subscriptions and bespoke consultancy services to help you deliver the next generation of beauty products that are right for your consumers.
Subscriber features
Skincare, Haircare, Personal Care, Fragrance, Colour Cosmetics.
Seasonal and Colour Forecasts, Packaging, Personas, Big Ideas, Future of Beauty categories, TrendCurve analysis.
Access to exclusive invite-only Trend Talks and webinars across key industry themes and topics.
Daily inspiration, fresh ideas and key emerging trends from across the world curated by our global trend experts.
The Magic of Mushrooms
WGSN highlighted the potential of the super ingredient back in 2017. While these magical mushrooms won’t give you a euphoric high, this skin boosting, immunity supporting and wellness enhancing ingredient can be found in everything from skincare and haircare to supplements.
Explore our trend confirmation to find out how WGSN helped clients get ahead of the magic of mushrooms trend.
Who uses WGSN
From startups to Fortune 500 companies, WGSN helps the most valuable global brands* in Fashion, Beauty, Food & Drink, Interiors and Consumer Tech create outstanding products that consumers will want and need for years to come.
*Interbrand Best Global Brands 2023
Beauty is used in these industries:

Beauty, Health & Wellness
Home & Interiors
Agencies & Advertising
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