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In support of the people of Ukraine and other affected members of our community

At this sad and tragic time, we here at WGSN stand together with our friends and colleagues in Ukraine.
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Image by Pawel Czerwinski
Image by Pawel Czerwinski

At this sad and tragic time, we here at WGSN stand together with our friends and colleagues in Ukraine.

Since the war broke out, WGSN has put its people first and foremost, aiming to ensure all our colleagues affected have the support they need.

With our parent company, Ascential plc, we have made a significant, six-figure donation to humanitarian charities working in the affected region. We hope this gesture will make a positive impact, alongside the donations being made and activity undertaken by many of our team personally.

We have always traded legally and respect all laws including sanctions imposed by the UN, the EU, and the UK and US governments. We do not do business with sanctioned countries, groups, companies or individuals. 
Against the backdrop of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we have made the decision to now suspend business with Russia and Belarus. Clients that are affected by this decision are being notified directly. 

We have only a very small number of clients in Ukraine, and while we recognise that it is not a priority for them right now, I have been in contact with them all personally to assure them that we are here to support them with continued access to our services for whenever they might need us. 

My heartfelt thoughts go out to the people of Ukraine at this impossible time.

Carla Buzasi

Originally posted on March 4th, amended on March 14th to reflect the latest business positioning regarding trading in Russia.
