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Trend Q&A: Understanding the APAC market and more

Sustainability and tech, building consumer loyalty and the rise of the fringe consumer. That and more on today’s episode.
WGSN Insider WGSN Insider
Asian market, tech sustainability, fringe generations. Polaroid-style image of wind turbines
WGSN Original Image, Dan Meyers/Unsplash

Sustainability and tech, building consumer loyalty and the rise of the fringe consumer. That and more on today’s episode.

Want to know what’s next? Listen to the show where our experts from around the globe unpack your biggest challenges. This week, WGSN’s President and CEO Carla Buzasi takes us to San Francisco, Hong Kong and New York. Hear from the friendly faces of our Consumer Tech, Mindset and Insight teams.

Watch the full episode below or read on for highlights of this episode:

Q: Sustainability is an ongoing conversation across our teams. What is one action a tech company could take now to be more sustainable?
“For companies that make products, design can play a significant role in driving change early on in the process – think in terms of designing for disassembly and product longevity. Use circular materials, include energy-saving solutions and minimise e-waste through repair and recycle capabilities.”
– Lisa Yong, Director of Consumer Tech, WGSN
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Q: Asia is our most diverse and fragmented market. How can we understand consumers at a cultural level and build long-term loyalty across the region?
“It comes down to knowing your customers and engaging with them at a local and personal level. We developed a series of cultural programmes for this challenge. We accompany brands in understanding cultural overlap, differences, specificities and inform engagement strategies through ethnographic studies, understanding usability preferences or unmet desires. No matter the approach, local relevance is key to succeed in this highly fragmented region.”
– Adrien Mollet, Senior Strategist Lead, WGSN Mindset
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Q: How is the future of consumer segmentation changing with the rise of fringe generations?
“In a time of tech-cceleration and rapid innovation, 15 years may no longer be adequate when it comes down to generational labelling. With the fast-moving nature of the world, it’s hard to justify that someone born at the start and the end of the same generation will share the same behaviours and attitudes, especially when the circumstances of the world that they grew up in as well as their relationship with technology is so different.”
– Cassandra Napoli, Senior Strategist, WGSN Insight
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