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Trend Q&A: Exploring the caring economy and more

Advances in CMF, social commerce in the US and how the caring economy will impact the home. That and more on today’s episode.
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Advancing design, social commerce, caring economy. Polaroid-style image of hashtag
WGSN Original Image, Jon Tyson/Unsplash

Advances in CMF, social commerce in the US and how the caring economy will impact the home. That and more on today’s episode.

Want to know what’s next? Listen to the show where our experts from around the globe unpack your biggest challenges. This week, WGSN’s Executive Editorial Director Bethan Ryder takes us to London and Paris. Hear from the friendly faces of our Mindset, Insight and Interiors teams.

Watch the full episode below or read on for highlights of this episode:

Q: What are the biggest areas of opportunity for advancing CMF design?
“CMF design stands for colour, material and finish in hard good sectors and is an increasingly important differentiator. Using the right design cues to create cultural alignment has the potential to increase the product and the brand relevance. This can take a range of forms and approaches, including the mindful use of colours based on their psychological effects, as well as using tactile sensations to evoke feelings of calm or restoration.”
– Chloe Jerrard, Senior Consultant, WGSN Mindset
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Q: What do we need to know about US social commerce and how do you see it evolving in 2022?
“In the last two years, social platforms have evolved into fully fledged commerce hubs and super apps in the making. Western apps are taking commerce cues from China, where social media selling is already a powerful sales tool. And by 2027, global social commerce will reach $604bn.

“In 2022, expect commerce to be a key focus for social platforms as they continue to improve customer experience and their seamless in-app purchase journey. AR integration with shoppable posts and mass livestreaming will continue to thrive as well.”
– Melanie Larsen, Senior Strategist, WGSN Insight
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Q: How will the caring economy influence the home?
“We have seen the influence of care culture around the world and the home is central to this trend because it’s where we take care of others and ourselves. We’re seeing furniture that is super curvy, soft and cosy, as if it was something to hug us back.

“Plant parenting is a huge trend, too. It has become so widespread that in 2021, “how to move with plants” was Googled more than “how to move with pets” or even “how to move with kids”.
– Lisa White, Creative Director & Director of Interiors, WGSN
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