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Trend Q&A: Eco-friendly premium tech products and more

Trends as a strategic tool, eco-friendly tech and how heritage brands can appeal to Gen Z consumers. That and more on today’s episode.
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Heritage brands, strategic trends, eco-friendly tech. Polaroid-style image of computer and laptop
WGSN Original Image, Devon Janse van Rensburg/Unsplash

Trends as a strategic tool, eco-friendly tech and how heritage brands can appeal to Gen Z consumers. That and more on today’s episode.

Want to know what’s next? Listen to the show where our experts from around the globe unpack your biggest challenges. This week, WGSN’s Executive Editorial Director Bethan Ryder takes us to São Paulo, Denver and Hong Kong. Hear from the friendly faces of our Mindset and Consumer Tech teams.

Watch the full episode below or read on for highlights of this episode:

Q: My company works with a late adopter consumer and they’re hesitant to embrace new trends. How can I overcome this barrier, especially in strategic planning?
“To overcome the idea that trends are only applied to more disruptive businesses, a company should keep in mind that innovations are getting more decentralised, coming even from the low-income target audience. To overcome internal barriers, engage decision makers in processes such as workshops and co-creation sessions, where teams adapt trends to align with a brand’s DNA and vision of the future.”
– Vitor Coelho, Consultant, WGSN Mindset

Q: Is it possible to design a premium tech product that’s also eco-friendly?

“Premium tech products that are eco-friendly use colours inspired by nature or derived directly from the materials. Secondary decoration processes such as painting should be kept to a minimum. That doesn’t mean metallic paints are out of the question because metallics help raise the perceived value of a product, but the mica used in these solvent-free or water-based paints should be responsibly sourced.
– Reiko Morrison, Head of CMF, WGSN Consumer Tech
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Q: Brands with a strong sense of heritage are less likely to invest in digital. So how can heritage brands appeal to the digitally savvy Gen Z consumer through tech?
“First, try, test and invent. Inertia is your biggest threat. There are loads of untapped opportunities, from authenticity tracking to metaverse-based experiences, to engage with younger generations in a new light. We also have storytelling that will allow your brand to own the digital narrative. Don’t see tech in contrast with tradition, but as a way to showcase patrimony and grow your brand fanbase.”
– Adrien Mollet, Lead Consultant, WGSN Mindset
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