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Marketing to stargazing youth with astrology

Brands have identified a white space opportunity, harnessing the power of astrology to market to their stargazing audiences. WGSN delves into this cultural driver that taps into consumers’ spiritual leanings.
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People walking past LED sign that markets zodiac reading
pixel parker/Unsplash

Brands have identified a white space opportunity, harnessing the power of astrology to market to their stargazing audiences. WGSN delves into this cultural driver that taps into consumers’ spiritual leanings.

Remember the horoscope columns and quizzes that teen magazines and even newspapers published? This is coming into focus for brands, which are harnessing the search for higher meaning.

“Astrology has become shorthand for Millennials and Gen Z to say who they are, what they relate to and where they belong,” Brielle Saggese, Strategist for WGSN Insight, tells Adweek.

Globe with zodiac constellations
Nastya Dulhiier/Unsplash

In 2019, WGSN reported on the consumer interest in all things mystical and offered recommendations for zodiac-inspired collections and services. Back then, new age spirituality emerged as an antidote to anxiety, with youth looking to alternative solutions in the face of declining trust, political uncertainty, climate urgency and concerns around privacy. We revisited this topic last year, when public trust in institutions was found to be waning in governments, organised religions and even science in the wake of the pandemic.

The rise of spiritual selling helped simplify the purchasing decision for stressed-out consumers, especially Millennials – known to some as the ‘burnout generation’ – and Gen Z. This has crossed into marketing, with brands building campaigns around the celestially curious consumer.

At a time when people are feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the world around them, marketing that engages astrology or spirituality can help them quickly understand themselves and their connection to any brand.

Close-up of rock on zodiac board
RODNAE Productions/Pexels

Spotify is an excellent example of a brand using astrology marketing to connect consumers to their product; its Audio Birth Chart assigns artists to users’ sun, moon and rising signs. This initiative not only digs into astrology on a deeper level, but also makes product discovery feel more experiential as part of users’ spiritual journey rather than their consumer journey. 

So how should brands stand out amid the wave of astrology marketing in the industry? Go beyond giving consumers new pieces to learn about their identity and learn how they align with your brand in particular. 

Brands can run astrology campaigns by staying authentic and accurately connecting astrological signs with aspects of their product to retain consumer engagement. 

WGSN subscribers can explore more marketing know-how in Campaign Trends: TikTok Talent, Campaign Trends: Virtual Influencers 2022 and Youth Campaign Trends: S/S 22.
