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Looking ahead to 2022: quick commerce, data and the meta-economy

As we head further into 2022, brands are wanting to develop their strategies for the year ahead, yet they’re facing challenges unique to this period in time. Amid the pandemic and a digital transformation in retail, difficulties arise in navigating particular situations, from differing regulatory landscapes to marketing across generations. 
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Illustration of credit card uses

As we head further into 2022, brands are wanting to develop their strategies for the year ahead, yet they’re facing challenges unique to this period in time. Amid the pandemic and a digital transformation in retail, difficulties arise in navigating particular situations, from differing regulatory landscapes to marketing across generations. 

This week, WGSN’s CEO and President Carla Buzasi is joined by three members from our consultancy team, Mindset, who are here to give a quick lesson in brand resilience. Spanning three continents – North America, Asia and Europe – and having worked with companies all around the world, our consultants bring with them the answer to creating better products and experiences for consumers. Tune in to discover the top priorities your brand should have for 2022.

Next-generation marketing

“The Alpha generation is the next generation post-Gen Z. Marketing towards the Alpha generation is quickly approaching and there’s not a ton of information out there on Alpha because they’re still too young to have that impact on spending power, but globally, there will be over two billion Alphas by 2025. From influencer strategies to products and services focused on the next generation, this is the next topic that companies are wanting to know more about.”
– Danny Kim, Senior Consultant NAM, Mindset

Phone displaying social media feed
Jakob Owens/Unsplash

Entering the meta-economy

“Do not look at the metaverse as almost a different reality, but what if you started calling it the ‘meta-conomy’? So start looking at it from a point not only to engage with consumers in how to communicate because obviously the metaverse also encapsulates things like social media, or social commerce, but also how you can almost break the rules of retail and selling into something that can come in so many different ways.”
– Maria Errobidarte, Senior Consultant, EMEA, Mindset

People doing online shopping with credit card in hand
Kindel Media/Pexels

Targeting Chinese Gen Z

“China’s Gen Z consumers are less motivated by status and increasingly seeking self-expression as well as personalisation. Part of this is due to the highly competitive and stressful environment they’ve been raised in. Throughout the uncertainty of the pandemic and current times, they are starting to rethink their priorities and looking to follow individual dreams as well as personal aspirations.”
– Crystal Tai, Consultant APAC, Mindset

To hear the full discussion tune in to Episode 42 of our Create Tomorrow podcast, Quick Commerce, Data and the Meta-Economy – Looking Ahead to 2022, on Anchor, Apple and Spotify.
