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The emerging consumer mindsets shaping the conversation on sustainability  

WGSN data shows that sustainability continues to be a key priority, with the topic remaining relevant among beauty, fashion, interiors and food and drink influencers across social media. Furthermore, a 2020 World Economic Forum survey of 21,000 people from 28 countries found that 86% want to see more sustainable and equitable products in the post-pandemic market. Brands looking to meet this priority will need to engage the emerging consumer mindsets shaping the conversation on sustainability.  
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WGSN data shows that sustainability continues to be a key priority, with the topic remaining relevant among beauty, fashion, interiors and food and drink influencers across social media. Furthermore, a 2020 World Economic Forum survey of 21,000 people from 28 countries found that 86% want to see more sustainable and equitable products in the post-pandemic market. Brands looking to meet this priority will need to engage the emerging consumer mindsets shaping the conversation on sustainability.

Democratic sustainability

This consumer’s sustainability expectations are focused on both the price and accessibility of products and services. Driven by value for money and a need for independence, this cohort will seek convenient, local solutions that simplify their life and give them a regained sense of control.

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Active sustainability 

Channelling their fears about the climate emergency into hope and action, this consumer is driven by a sense of purpose. They are willing to adopt new behaviours to reduce their ecological footprint and want to participate in changing the world for the better. 

Outsourced sustainability

Driven by a sense of mistrust in institutions, this consumer is disengaged and rejects the responsibility of minimising their environmental impact. Instead, they place their expectations on businesses to step in and lead environmental transformation. 

Sustainability has become a business imperative. Brands and companies should seek out these consumers in order to thrive in the new world.

Download our new white paper to unpack the industry strategies to engage these consumers.
