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Dopamine brights hit new highs

Color therapy and dopamine dressing has long been of interest, dating back to the ancient Egyptians. It’s been thought that warm colours increase power, cool hues enhance concentration and pale greens signal quietness. Color is closely associated with our emotions: it is the first thing we register when assessing anything. It is primal, visceral, and it is a language we are all born fluent in.
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Dopamine brights hit new highs
Dopamine brights hit new highs

Color therapy and dopamine dressing has long been of interest, dating back to the ancient Egyptians. It’s been thought that warm colours increase power, cool hues enhance concentration and pale greens signal quietness. Color is closely associated with our emotions: it is the first thing we register when assessing anything. It is primal, visceral, and it is a language we are all born fluent in.

As the world begins to recover from the impact of the pandemic, consumers are connecting with unapologetically upbeat colors that bring a sense of much needed optimism and joy. With global lockdowns in place people gravitated towards colors that reassure, soothe and offer comfort during times of crisis. The appetite for neutrals grew expediently during the pandemic as consumers wanted to feel protected and grounded. However, with the return of travel, socialising, in-person events and reconnecting with loved ones, consumers’ appetite for bold, bright colors has returned as they feel they can now finally dress for an occasion.

WGSN Street Style
WGSN Street Style

These punchy, feel-good brights also feed into our reliance on the virtual world during these times of restriction. Many have found escapism and new forms of self-expression in the digital space that they might want to bring with them to the physical world.

Designers have long been considering the impact of color and how when we don clothes of certain colors it has the power to change the way we feel and even the way we act. For example, if you associate a red jumper with confidence and power, then you will embody that feeling when you wear it.

Soeren Le Schmidt/Rotate/Baum Und Pferdgarten
Soeren Le Schmidt/Rotate/Baum Und Pferdgarten

Color, however, is subjective, making it difficult to define exactly which colors an individual should wear to improve their mood – some feel their best in all black.

Post-pandemic, consumers are wearing more color on the whole. Embracing dopamine dressing during the initial post-lockdown period signals to others their individuality and that they are ready to return to old social habits and have fun. With color’s innate ability to draw people in, it is no wonder digital designers and brands are using brights to captivate audiences.

Learn how to capture your consumers’ attention with upbeat brights in Colour Intelligence: Neons.
