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Celebrating graduates from WGSN’s Future Makers mentorship programme

Launched back in July 2020, the WGSN Future Makers mentorship programme partnered 26 individuals with mentors from WGSN, from design and sales to HR and content, drawing on our global pool of knowledge to match everyone with a mentor best placed to help them. Now, as our mentees graduate from the programme, we celebrate their time with us and find out their key takeaway from their experience.
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Celebrating graduates from WGSN’s Future Makers mentorship programme
Celebrating graduates from WGSN’s Future Makers mentorship programme

Launched back in July 2020, the WGSN Future Makers mentorship programme partnered 26 individuals with mentors from WGSN, from design and sales to HR and content, drawing on our global pool of knowledge to match everyone with a mentor best placed to help them. Now, as our mentees graduate from the programme, we celebrate their time with us and find out their key takeaway from their experience.

– Shriya Misra, mentored by Anupreet Bhui, Commissioning Manager, WGSN

“This programme has taught me that being patient with oneself and focusing on our individual journeys is the most important step for success in all aspects of life (personal and professional). I’d like to give back to people around me by sharing the tips and tricks I have learnt in the workshops conducted at WGSN, especially by helping people create better resumes, which, in my opinion, is not only helpful in landing the desired job role but also brings confidence while stepping foot in that direction.”
– Shriya Misra, mentored by Anupreet Bhui, Commissioning Manager, WGSN

– Srushti Sarwate, mentored by Jess Tang, Strategist, WGSN

“My WGSN journey was full of rich experiences and learnings. My key takeaway from the entire programme would be the meaningful connections I made with my fellow mentees and other mentors. In times like these, meeting future trend forecasters and being part of a community made this programme even more exciting and fun. Understanding global perspectives and the intricate process of trend forecasting was a great opportunity for me to grow professionally. Personally, I have grown to be more observational and open. By learning about trend forecasting techniques and merging them with data analytics, I would like to help identify and forecast trends that are indigenous to the Indian fashion industry. I would like to contribute my learnings to help put India on the global map.”
– Srushti Sarwate, mentored by Jess Tang, Strategist, WGSN

– Tyra Raquel Galloway, mentored by Joanne Thomas, Head of Content, Coloro

“My one key takeaway from the programme is to always keep an open mind and utilise all your resources. It’s okay to not have things fully figured out, but if you set goals for yourself and continue to build upon them, you will find fulfillment in your journey.”
 Tyra Raquel Galloway, mentored by Joanne Thomas, Head of Content, Coloro

– Haritha Baddula, mentored by Kim Mannino, Director of Trend Curation, WGSN Mindset

“I learnt that we have to explore various paths before we arrive at the destination we are meant for. I understood this after I browsed through various profiles and from the interactions I had throughout the programme – each member of the team came with a unique set of experiences after working in various profiles and there is no smooth road… I would like to give back by sharing the info/knowledge that I know as many times it is the lack of information that stresses us more than anything around us.”
– Haritha Baddula, mentored by Kim Mannino, Director of Trend Curation, WGSN Mindset

– Shivakshi Vaswani, mentored by Kim Mannino, Director of Trend Curation, WGSN Mindset

“The mentorship programme has allowed me to truly capture the essence of trend forecasting, sustainability and the power of not giving up, being taught by the most inspiring women I’ve ever met in my life. It really helped me push my boundaries as a person and made me realise if you want to reach somewhere, the sky’s the limit – it doesn’t matter where you come from: a small town or a big city. There was always a reluctance to share personal details of life, the vulnerable side of yours, but I never felt the need to hide anything where I lacked and needed guidance. Everyone was always there. Most importantly, I found myself creating a solid structure for my future, which is something I can take with me forever. I always get so many questions about the programme and I answer each one of them open heartedly and share the knowledge I captured. I’ll always help and guide those who need it.”
– Shivakshi Vaswani, mentored by Kim Mannino, Director of Trend Curation, WGSN Mindset

– Jada Baron, mentored by Kirsty Sears, Commissioning Manager, WGSN

“My one key takeaway from the programme was when I received advice from Kirsty prior to my final interview at ASOS. She said a good tip would be to treat interviews like a regular meeting you have day to day. Going in with this mindset made me feel super relaxed and encouraged me to be myself and stay grounded throughout, which must’ve worked as I thankfully got the job!”
– Jada Baron, mentored by Kirsty Sears, Commissioning Manager, WGSN

Stay tuned to see what the rest of the Future Makers took away from the programme.
