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Brands and consumers mark Earth Day 2023

Held annually to demonstrate support for environmental protection, Earth Day recycled 2022’s Invest in Our Planet theme
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hands holding earth
Noah Buscher / Unsplash

Held annually to demonstrate support for environmental protection, Earth Day recycled 2022’s Invest in Our Planet theme. As governments crack down on greenwashing, more brands are using Earth Day to launch initiatives rather than products.

person holding mini globe
Porapak Apichodilok / Pexels

Car companies combat emissions

German automotive manufacturer Volkswagen pledged to invest more than €52bn in individual zero-emission mobility by 2026. It also brainstormed mass climate protection with employees

Roman Ska / Pexels

Earth Day initiatives

New York’s Department of Transportation hosted its annual pollution-cutting Car-Free Earth Day, closing sections of all five boroughs to vehicles and hosting educational activities

Lundberg Family Farms (US) took the opportunity to mock Earth Day, claiming “Every Ducking Day Is Earth Day”. The Ducking Good campaign highlights its ongoing commitment to Regenerative Organic Certified practices, including saving wild duck nests found in its rice fields

rice field
Thanh Nguyen / Pexels

AI shows us the future of the climate crisis

The World Wildlife Fund used AI art to envisage how the UK could look if we fail to tackle the climate crisis. Produced in the style of British Romantic art, scenes include litter-filled rivers and burning forests

Chinese visual artist Zongbo Jiang’s immersive exhibition, Climate Heroes, depicted climate change effects via digital characters. His London workshop invited attendees to create their own Climate Heroes

Spanish beauty brand Rowse held an art sale benefitting GEPEC, a Catalan nonprofit that works to protect endangered landscapes

hands holding plant
Akil Mazumder / Pexels

What can you do?

Use calendar events to educate and address the risks the climate crisis poses, rather than launching products.

WGSN subscribers can read the full May 2023 Sustainability Bulletin.
