Einblicke, Daten und Anregungen aus aller Welt

Unser globales Team von mehr als 250 internen Branchen- und Produktexperten, Datenanalysten und Beratern ist in 38 Städten auf sechs Kontinenten tätig und prognostiziert aktiv, was als Nächstes kommt und wo und wann es passieren wird. Von Mode, Schönheit und Essen & Trinken bis hin zu Inneneinrichtung und Unterhaltungselektronik berichten wir über das Verbraucherverhalten, den Lebensstil und die Trends im Produktdesign, die die Branche jetzt und in Zukunft prägen werden.

Mit Produktionsstandorten auf der ganzen Welt erstellen wir über 150 Trendberichte pro Monat.

Lernen Sie einige unserer Teammitglieder kennen

Catriona Macnab
Vice President, Content
Catriona’s strategic vision enables WGSN’s continued growth into new markets and verticals. During 16 years of service, she has represented the company at key business events and was behind the launch of many of our successful new products.
Chris Coleman
Chris Coleman
Vice President, Special Projects
Chris has exceptional knowledge of product innovation and the role data and creativity plays in future strategies. He leads a team of strategists, analysts and trend forecasters to deliver actionable content, analysing shifts in consumer behaviour and how it drives product design and experiences.
Clare Varga
Vice President Content, Beauty
Clare marries an understanding of product design and innovative technology to create future visions for customers in manufacturing and retail. She is interested in how human behaviour influences the products and services people want to buy.
Francesca Muston
Chief Forecasting Officer, SVP
Francesca’s acute understanding of the fashion industry, specialism in data-trend analysis and commitment to a better future drive her role at WGSN, where she serves as a member of the Sustainability board.
Helen Palmer
Head of Materials, Knit and Textiles
Helen enables creative teams to translate future concepts into material realities. With a background in fibre, yarn, knitwear and textiles, she brings over 25 years’ industry expertise in materials forecasting and product development to WGSN, working and consulting with mills, manufacturers and fashion brands from Europe to Asia.
Helen Sac
Consultant Director, APAC, Mindset
As leader of WGSN’s consultancy business in Asia Pacific, Helen works hand in hand with our most valued clients to develop bespoke solutions that enable insight-driven creativity and strategic growth.